Here’s a few tidbits from Portland and beyond…
- Cyclist Delivers Hot Meals in Hollywood – from the Loaves and Fishes website comes Northeast Portland resident Vlad Ionis who uses his bike to deliver Meals on Wheels.
(Thanks to Timo for the link).
- Freewheeling radio show from the CBC – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has been doing some great stories on their Freewheeling radio show. I’m not sure if this is a temporary show or what, but it’s some of the best bike reporting you’ll find anywhere. Make sure to check out all their segments on bike theft.
- The History of Portland’s Bicycle Movement – Portland civic life historian Steven Johnson shares his research in this informative look into Portland’s 30+ years of bicycle advocacy.
- Legal Links TV: Bicycle Law – The BTA and Ray Thomas talk bicycle law on a cable access show.
- Interactive Portland bike shop map – Map Muse is a nifty new mapping tool that lists shops all over the county They’ve got 63 listed for the Portland area. They’ve also got 10 bike clubs listed.

[Dutch bikes rule.]
- Dutch bike store on eBay – If you’ve got a soft spot for cool European city bikes (like I do), then do some window shopping at this Dutch Gazelle dealer’s eBay store. They ship to the U.S. If anyone feels like sponsoring an official city bike, this would be the place to get it ;-)!