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Stolen: Blue Magna

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Posted by “RamseNiblick”]

My bike can best be described as a blue and black magna A-frame mountain bike with no fenders, grip shifts, handlebars that protrude upwards and strongly resemble horns. The front wheel had shock absorbers. The color scheme also incorporated some yellow and a little white and I blelieve the frame said “electroshock” on it. The brakes were cantilever, the back one was a little worn down, but the front one was tighter than any brake has ever been ever. Also, the bike had a quick-release lever for the seat, and I always took the seat with me whenever I parked the bike. I still have the seat, so if someone tries to resell the thing, there will not be a seat on it, or a weird mismatching one.

The bike was parked next to the campus public health building on the PSU campus (SW 6th/5th & Hall) The bike was locked to a an upside-down U-shaped steel pole embedded in concrete designed for the express purpose of locking up bikes. There was actually a video camera mounted directly above my bike, which I figured would deter criminals. The lock was a gigantic cable-style bike lock made, I believe, by kryptonite running through the frame, front wheel, and around the steel pole, and the lock was the thickest one I could possibly find. It was like a forearm. Whoever stole this bike must have spent about a half an hour with a very sharp dremmel tool or possibly even a blowtorch to get it off. Either that or they simply figured out the combination, which I have long feared would happen.

I’ve had that bike since I was in Jr. High, and back then it only cost about $150, but I would definitely like it back.

if found, my email is thanks.

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