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Help me get to the National Bike Summit

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

As I just reported, there’s a contingent from Portland going to the National Bike Summit in Washington D.C..

I’ve been wanting to go the the Summit for years but never really considered it until now. The schedule looks awesome and just think of all the bike people, the ideas, the conversations! Imagine me explaining Chunkathalon, Pedalpalooza, Bridge Pedal, Zoobomb, and Midnight Mystery Rides to some nice folks from Nebraska! And it would be cool to share my perspectives on the creative and diverse Portland bike energy with all those bikey bigwigs.

But I doubt there are many regular guys with blogs that show up to things like this, especially with the travel expenses and the $350 registration fee. The BTA has invited me to tag along with them and share some cheap floor space in their hotel, but there’s still the plane ticket and the $350 to get in. I’m almost committed to going, it’s the lack of funds that gives me some hesitation.

I really don’t have the money to go, but what if just a handful of the 2,662 unique visitors I’ve had in the last three days (and the 1113 of those who visited more than once) pitched in a few bucks via those handy donation buttons in my sidebar? Or grabbed one of the few remaining T-shirts (now $15 with free shipping)?

I hope to bring you the scoop live from D.C. and pour everything I learn at the Summit right back into this site.

Thanks for reading.

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