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Bikey bits on my brain

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Here’s a few bits and pieces floating around my head. I’ll be expanding on some of this stuff in the days to come, but I have to do a mental dump or my head will explode. Here goes:

  • The BTA has launched
  • At a transportation class I’m taking I heard from a Tri-Met bigwig that Google will be visiting with Tri-Met officials in a few weeks to discuss their ongoing collaboration on a mapping system. According to the Tri-Met rep., a detailed, fully-integrated bike trip-planning system will be available online “in about a year.” I covered this in more detail back in August.
  • Tom Miller, Sam Adams’ chieff of staff, wants to raise $3,000 for an eco-roof atop the bike parking structure on the corner of SW 5th and Jefferson. (hat tip to the Tribune)
  • Janis McDonald, the city employee behind the Women on Bikes program recently featured in the Oregonian is getting married Saturday. After the ceremony they’ll be biking down from Council Crest in a mini-parade. She said she’ll try and snap photos so I’ll post them for you if/when I get them.
  • The new New Seasons market on N. Interstate is causing a huge increase in pedestrian and bike activity on N. Portland Blvd. This is great except for the fact that N. Portland Blvd from N. Albina to N. Interstate has abysmal bike/ped facilities and no traffic calming to speak of. If this doesn’t change there is bound to be a bad crash sooner or later.
  • Tomorrow’s cyclocross race out at Alpenrose Velodrome might be the largest ever on U.S. soil. It’s going to be huge. I’ll be there to soak it all in, talk with folks and snap photos. Look for photos on the photostream Saturday and a report soon after.
  • Our local mountain bike club and advocacy group, PUMP had a meeting Wednesday night to figure out a plan to get serious about opening up more room for them to ride. They want either a designated mountain bike park and/or more of the singletrack trails to be legal for bikes in Forest Park. More reporting on this to come.
  • Whew! I feel better already.

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