[UPDATE! This bike has been recovered! Read about it here]
Amid the chaotic merriment of the recent Chunkathalon, some guy got this really nice bike stolen. I saw him make the sad announcement at the event and he’s pretty broken up about it. He’s even put up this website to help find it. Here are the details:
“On or around 5 P.M. thieves used some sort of tool to cut through my Kryptonite brand u-lock. They took the bike, an attached helmet, and the bulk of the u-lock. All that was left was a straight chunk of the U, cut just at the start of the curve. The bike had been locked to a utility pole support wire. There were plenty of other bikes locked up in the vicinity and people were milling around. Chunkathon was taking place about 1.5 blocks away. Large reward for information leading to safe recovery. “
Come on BikePortland readers, let’s help this guy find his bike. If you’ve got any info call Nick @ 503.819.6324 or email nick[a]emilive.com.