With all the recent bike safety talk, I thought I’d point out a few books that will make you a more confident and safe cyclist.
- The Art of Urban Cycling by Robert Hurst (2004). This book is current, not dumbed down and very well done. I highly recommend it. Anyone that says, “Road rash is a precious gift. Road rash is your friend. Bask in it, appreciate it, love it. Above all, learn from it,” obviously knows what they’re talking about. (*This book is also available from the Mult. Co. library).
- Bicycling Street Smarts – Riding Confidently, Legally and Safely by John S. Allen.
- Bicyclist Manual (*PDF file) by Oregon Dept. of Transportation.
If you’ve got safe cycling tips or other resources you’d like to share, feel free to leave them as comments so the whole cycling community can benefit from them.