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Monday Roundup: Worst PSA ever, e-car greenwashing, how to save lives, and more

Welcome to the week.

I’m home from New York City and can’t wait to share the rest of the treasures I uncovered. But first, let’s get to the roundup!

Here are the best stories we’ve come across in the past seven days — all from sources you can trust.

NYC mayor pressured on protection: Just like in Portland, bike advocates in New York City are dialing up pressure on city hall to build more protected bike lanes and stop scaling back road projects to satisfy disingenuous parties. (Streetsblog NYC)

EV loophole: One thing advocates are grumbling about is NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ decision to lift limits on the number of Uber/Lyft licenses as long as they are electric — as if simply the use of a battery makes adding all these cars to the system A-OK. (NY Daily News)

Cut through the biking data B.S.: There’s been a ton of attention on recent biking numbers and I’ve steered clear of covering it because of what bicycling data expert Ken McLeod thinks too: Our data on biking is not good, so drawing major conclusions is perilous. (League of American Bicyclists)


20 years at Ahearne Cycles: Seriously can relate so deeply to what local bike maker Joseph Ahearne shares in this thoughtful (as always) blog post about his 20 years with a torch. He’s a real one and I can’t wait to record an interview with him in his shop soon for the podcast. (Ahearne Cycles)

Road rager caught on dashcam: A Portland man who raged his truck into a parade was caught entirely on his own dashcam. (The Oregonian)

‘Promise of e-bikes in American culture’: Sorry, but I just cannot get enough of how major US media outlets are framing stories about electric bikes these days. As a real and viable substitute for cars! (Washington Post and The Atlantic)

Worst PSA ever: The best example of victim-blaming ever produced by a government agency rightfully outraged millions of people; but in the end, it was a win for advocacy because of all the negative attention it received. (CBC)

When middle-schoolers ride: Results of a new study show that middle-school aged kids (a particularly tough time of transition for some kids) can get a significant mental health boost by riding bikes more. (NPR)

Thanks to everyone who sent in links this week. The Monday Roundup is a community effort, so please feel free to send us any great stories you come across.

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