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Pedalpalooza Photo Gallery: The Rose Ride

(Photos: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)
Ride leader Ada Harris.

Peninsula Park was a fitting place for last night’s Rose Ride to meet. After all, its magnificent sunken plots of the popular flower were Portland’s original, official rose garden (before it moved to Washington Park). Not only that, but its thousands of roses are in peak bloom.

Above the garden at the foot of the park’s iconic gazebo, dozens of Portlanders turned up in rose-inspired fashion while legendary singer Edith Piaf’s signature song, La Vie en rose, wafted over fragrant air from a speaker pulled behind a heart-shaped bicycle trailer. The “rose city” we all love was on full display.

When it was time to ride, a long line formed behind ride leader Ada Harris as she began her poetry-infused tour of gardens and parks where roses play a starring role.

See more photos below and check out the Pedalpalooza calendar for more great rides like this all summer long.

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