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Icy biking open thread: Share conditions and your experiences

A cold sharrow on the North Michigan neighborhood greenway.
A cold sharrow on the North Michigan neighborhood greenway.
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

With a bit of snow yesterday and rain overnight, Portland is a sheet of ice this morning. Are you still riding?

I went out this morning and found the most challenging thing was getting from my backyard shed to the main street. Larger roads seem to be safest in terms of ice, but they also have more drivers on them.

For the second day in a row local government agencies and school districts are closed. This is good from a safety perspective because it takes the majority of auto trips off the road. As we find every time it snows, when snow falls and streets get tricky to navigate they become the quiet and livable spaces we all dream about. It’s amazing how much better people drive when they fear for their own safety!

What are the streets like in your neighborhood? Did you ride this morning?

If you plan to ride in these conditions, the City of Portland has published a map of the routes they plow and apply de-icer to. Keep in mind that while these roads might be less slippery, they will also have more auto traffic:


For more tips about how to bike in these conditions browse our “ice biking” archives.

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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