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Street party caps Bike Commute Challenge, BTA says event will move to May

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

bcc awards drawing
Eagerly awaiting awards for the most dedicated bike commuters.
(Photos: M.Andersen/BikePortland)

More than 200 people came to the parking lot of Portland Design Works Wednesday to celebrate the 2015 Bike Commute Challenge — which may also be the last one to be held in September.

In 2016, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance announced, the BTA will move its annual friendly competition to May to coincide with National Bike Month.

“This year’s Challenge included more than 1,300 riders who identified as new bike commuters.”
— Steph Noll, BTA Deputy Director

“This year’s Challenge included more than 1,300 riders who identified as new bike commuters,” BTA Deputy Director Steph Noll said in an email Thursday. “By moving the Challenge to May, these new riders will have months of warmer, drier weather ahead of them to build the bike commuting habit and maybe even make the choice to invest in some rain gear and fenders to continue to have an enjoyable bike commute through the rainy season. We’re also hoping that with the attention on May as National Bike Month, the message of the Challenge will be further amplified through other channels beyond what we can reach with our very limited marketing budget.”

This year’s event drew 10,772 participants from 1,152 workplaces, including 3,954 first-time BCC participants. In all, participants logged 1,247,886 miles of bike commuting.

Below are a few more photos from the event followed by a list of the winners:

The team from SERA Architects was 1st in the 100-499 employee category.
(Photo: SERA Architects)
The team from OHSU had the most women riders with 90 (out of 297 total riders).
Team Pedal PT had another 100% bike trip month.

Businesses and nonprofits, 1 employee:
all at 100 percent bike commuting for the month

Businesses and nonprofits, 2-4 employees:

Businesses and nonprofits, 5-24 employees:

Businesses and nonprofits, 25-99 employees:

Businesses and nonprofits, 100-499 employees:

Businesses and nonprofits, 500+ employees:

Public agencies, 1-24 employees:

Public agencies, 25-99 employees:

Public agencies, 100-499 employees:

Public agencies, 500+ employees:


Bike shops, 1-8 employees:

Bike shops, 9-15 employees:

Bike shops, 16+ employees:

Team with most new riders:

Team with most mileage:

New female rider with the most miles:

New male rider with the most miles:

Female rider with the most miles:

Male rider with the most miles:

The BTA also honored Jordan Folk of Research Into Action, Inc., with its “Brad Buchanan Team Captain of the Year Award.”

The switch to May will be a significant change to next year’s challenge. In the Portland area, May tends to have about twice as many rainy days as September (13.6 compared to 6.7) and its average nightly lows are a few degrees cooler (48 degrees compared to 53).

However, as Noll points out, new riders activated by the challenge each May will be headed into a few months of dry weather rather than a few months of rainy weather. Hopefully that’ll make the challenge even better at getting more people used to bike commuting.

Some sort of change to the challenge seems to be needed. This year was the fourth in a row to see declining BCC participation among Portland-area workplaces; it’s down 20 percent since 2011. However, 2015 saw an uptick in the number of riders logging at least one trip in the challenge. That’s the first increase since 2011.

bcc workplaces

bcc participants

As we wrote when it launched, the Bike Commute Challenge is not only a great Portland tradition, it’s part of a scientifically proven strategy for getting people to start thinking seriously about bikes. Two weeks ago, I had a beer with a former co-worker who was lured into a bike commute for the first time in many years thanks to this year’s BCC. Though he’s worked in downtown Portland for five years now, he spoke with awe about how easy and intuitive it was to follow the growing river of bike commuters across the Interstate Bridge, down Interstate Avenue and across the Steel Bridge.

“Portland has hit this critical mass where it’s really possible,” he said.

Yep. Here’s to continuing to spread that message.

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