This week’s Monday Roundup is brought to you by the Ride the Heart of the Valley Bike Ride. Set for April 18th, this ride is a benefit for the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis.
Here are the bike-related links that caught our eyes this week:
Ice bikes: Hot idea in a very cold Buffalo winter.
Bike pants: Levi’s has introduced the first female cuts of its ‘Commuter’ jeans line which is specially made for bike riders.
Turn signals: A bill in Iowa’s legislature would legalize signaling right turns on a bike with the right arm.
Bike summit: It’s the week of the National Bike Summit in Washington, DC. Though we won’t be covering it in person this year, here’s a guide to the highlights by the Alliance for Biking and Walking.
Vision Zero: Washington DC’s mayor is the latest to make a public commitment.
Happy comparison: Next time you’re feeling bummed about a Portlander’s behavior behind a wheel, look for the paragraph in this article that ends “these reports span less than a year in Southwest Florida.”
Feminine urbanism: How many changes to our cities in the last 30 years has been driven by the fact that for the first time, more women have been in charge of designing them?
Youth urbanism: “Philadelphia’s next great wave of public spaces” could be its schoolyards, argues a column in Philadelphia Magazine.
Multimodal benefits: More miles of street paving means more miles of potential street redesigns, notes Philadelphia’s bicycle coalition.
Divergent cities: The much-discussed urban resurgence comes only from about half of U.S. cities, Portland among them.
Sprawl habits: While declaring bankruptcy in 2012, Stockton, Calif., vowed to turn away from the costly sprawl that had helped wreck its budget. Now that money is returning, sprawl may resume.
Parking lots … the early years: “We know of no existing [shopping] center that has too much parking,” the American Planning Association wrote in 1954.
Walker’s Wisconsin: Gov. Scott Walker, a leading GOP presidential hopeful, has been pushing to repeal his state’s complete streets law.
Centralized decisions: These days, conservative enthusiasm for devolving federal power to the states stops where transportation funding begins.
Who bikes? A new survey by PeopleForBikes (full disclosure: my other gig) found that about “>one third of Americans ride a bike at least once a year. Fourteen percent ride at least twice a week.
Bicycle transit: Topeka’s new bike share system (from floating-fleet provider Social Bicycles) will be run by its transit agency.
If you come across a noteworthy bicycle story, send it in via email, Tweet @bikeportland, or whatever else and we’ll consider adding it to next Monday’s roundup.