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Comment of the Week: The secret to becoming a total badass

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Riders in the storm-17
(Photo: J.Maus/BikePortland)

Steep hills and chilly mornings started hard for every single one of us. But life offers few clearer examples than biking that what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

That’s the wisdom reader Lyle W shared beneath our post about Wednesday night’s wild windstorm:

Not that i welcome the awful riding conditions, but it does strike me as kinda comforting that every year that passes since I’ve gotten back on my bike, the really hard stuff becomes easier to deal with psychologically as each year passes. I remember the first winter riding, and just thinking to myself after the first super cold ride: ‘How do people do this for six months?’… and then the next year, just a little easier… and then tonight riding home while literally being blown sideways with my face freezing as a branch flys into my fork, and just pulling over, ripping it out, and riding off without even thinking about it.

Awesome. Welcome back to winter, everyone, and have a great weekend.

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