Year: 1960s
Brand: Raleigh
Model: Male model, city bike with 10 speeds, Sprite model if I recall correctly
Stolen in Portland, OR 97202
Stolen From: Portland Building, downtown Portland, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue
Neighborhood: downtown
Owner: Mauricio Leclerc
OwnerEmail: mauricioleclerc( atsign )
Reward: Yes, depending on condition
Description: Brown with black accents, fenders, paint worn English Raleigh 10 speed with black Brooks leather saddle attached to frame with bike chain and chrome bike rack in the back. Bought in Corvallis.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: T14005682
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
brown Raleigh Male model, city bike with 10 speeds, Sprite model if I recall correctly 1960s