Year: 2011
Brand: Redline
Model: Conquest Sport
Color:Dark Green
Serial: ISBS11C01788
Stolen in Portland, OR 97212
Stolen From: NW 21st and NW Hoyt Street, in front of St. Francis KBC Apartment
Neighborhood: NW 21st St.
Owner: Matthew Zussman
OwnerEmail: zuss.matt(A T)
Reward: Eternal gratitude, pride, as many drinks of your choice as you can drink in one night. Or a lovely dinner, if you prefer. Okay, and $100.
Description: Chrome Planet Bike Rack…..Chrome water bottle cage……black rear fender…….Sellwood Bike Commuter sticker & Reed College sticker
Police record with: Portland
Police reference#: T14002978
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Dark Green Redline Conquest Sport 2011