Brand: KHS
Model: Urban X
Stolen in Portland, OR 97206
Stolen From: Dollar Tree on 63rd and Foster
Neighborhood: Foster-Powell
Owner: Debra John
Reward: $30.00
Description: Small framed KHS Urban X, maroon and gold with black bottle cage, fenders, and rack. There was a black bag on the rack containing a pump, u-lock, a flashlight, some zip-ties and a multi-tool. The original kickstand broke and was replaced with a steel kickstand, which was starting to rust. The bottom frame, left side, has a basic homemade trailer hitch in the form of a 6" fuchsia tube mounted over black rubber with pipe clamps.
Police record with: Portland Police
Police reference#: 14-151314
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
maroon/gold KHS Urban X