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Registration open for Oregon Active Transportation Summit

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After several years in Salem, the annual Oregon Active Transportation Summit will be in Portland on April 21st and 22nd. Host organization, the BTA has just announced that registration is open. Check more details below…

Registration Open for 2014 Oregon Active Transportation Summit
Our Changing Communities, The Future of Active Transportation

Portland, Oregon – The Bicycle Transportation Alliance is excited to announce open registration for the 2014 Oregon Active Transportation Summit.

On April 21st & 22nd, summit attendees will join leaders from across Oregon for two days of discovery, networking, sharing best practices, and shaping the future of transportation. Transportation, planning, tourism, and health professionals; policy makers; advocates; researchers; and visionaries will come together to share the latest and greatest on what investing in biking, walking, and transit means for our communities.

Topics on the Agenda for the 2014 Summit include: Multimodal Design and Integrating Transit as the Backbone of Active Transportation Systems, Public Engagement and Equity, Land Use and Parking, Travel Forecasting, Safe Routes to School, Youth and Families, Regional Trails, Public and Private Investments and Economic Vitality, Running Successful Programs, and Future Challenges and Opportunities for Active Transportation Funding.

Through the Support of IBPI and OTREC, AICP credits will be available for designated sessions on Monday as well as the full-day NACTO trainings on Tuesday.

Summit Schedule

Monday, April 21, 2014, 8 am- 6:30 pm, Governor Hotel, 614 SW 11th, Portland, OR
Conference check-in and light continental breakfast
Inspiring Keynotes
Breakout sessions
Lunch Plenary
State and Regional Transportation Plans Open House
Networking Reception and No-Host Bar

Tuesday, April 22, 2014, Various central Portland locations
Morning and Afternoon Mobile Workshops and Bike Tours
Full-Day NACTO Urban Bikeway Training*
Full-Day NACTO Urban Streets Training*
Committee and Special Focus Meetings

*additional cost of $50

Attendees my register now at
Early Bird Conference Rate: $75. Registration deadline: March 31.
Regular Conference Rate: $85. Registration deadline: April 15.
Full Day NACTO Training with AICP credits: $50 (choose NACTO Urban Bikeway Training or NACTO Urban Street Training)

Registration includes a full day of keynotes, plenaries, and breakout sessions, a light continental breakfast, full plated lunch, and no-host bar reception on Monday, April 21st as well as a full day of tours, mobile workshops, and meeting opportunities on Tuesday, April 22nd. There is an additional charge for full-day NACTO trainings with AICP credits on Tuesday, April 22nd. No Tuesday meals are included in registration costs, but schedule will accommodate opportunities to explore downtown Portland’s fabulous selection of restaurants, cafes, and food carts.

About the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide Training
Roger Geller, Robert Burchfield and Peter Koonce will conduct an all-day training on the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide. All three are practitioners working in Portland and nationally to promote and refine best practice bikeway designs. This will be the third consecutive year in which this popular training is being offered as part of the Active Transportation Summit. The training will provide 6 professional development hours for ITE and for AICP credits.

About the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide Training
This guide, newly published late in 2013, is part of a growing movement among cities working to build sustainable and complete streets. Cities employing these principles are creating a new “DNA” for city streets. This training will reflect two main intents of the guide: 1) provide an overview of the principles that cities across the US are currently employing to beneficial effect, and 2) provide the recipes for both quick implementation as well as enduring design principles for creating complete streets. Cities using these principles and techniques are making their streets safe and inviting for people walking, shopping, parking and driving in an urban context. This training will be conducted by key practitioners in the US and will provide 6 professional development hours for ITE and AICP credits.

About the Oregon Active Transportation Summit
With it’s origin in 2006’s Oregon Bike Summit, the annual Oregon Active Transportation Summit grew to cover all types of active transportation in 2011. The Summit connects Oregonians in the fields of transportation, planning, tourism, public health, and others with politicians at the local, regional, and state levels to discuss the benefits our community reaps from investing in bicycling, walking, and public transit.

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