Year: 2000
Brand: KHS
Model: Alite 3000
Serial: u91290277
Stolen in Portland, OR 97206
Stolen From: stolen from bike rack in front of first cup coffee in se portland, corner of SE 41st and Woodstock
Neighborhood: SE, Woodstock
Owner: dave anolik
OwnerEmail: daveanolik(at sign)
Reward: $50.00 if intact
Description: no decals, bare aluminum silver, 2008 disc breaks, road slicks, slightly chopped handlebars, front and rear plastic fendors, original deore xt groupo, nylon seat cover over a trashed seat
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 14-150467
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
silver/aluminum KHS Alite 3000 2000