Year: 1995
Brand: Specialized
Model: Hardrock GSX
Color:dark silver with orange letters
Size:17″ frame
Serial: P5CB10805
Stolen in Portland, OR 97217
Stolen From: Portland Community College, Cascade Campus, from the bike rack on the NE corner of the Moriarty Arts and Humanities building. This building is on the corner of N. Albina and N. Killingsworth Streets.
Neighborhood: Humboldt
Owner: Elizabeth Bilyeu
OwnerEmail: bilyeuking(AT)
Description: The bike is covered with stickers. It has road tires and fenders with a rear bike rack with one collapsible black metal basket attached to the rack. The bike was purchase from River City Bicycles in Portland, OR in 1996, and their sticker is still on the frame.
Police record with: Portland reported to Community College Public Safety
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
dark silver with orange letters Specialized Hardrock GSX 1995