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grey Trek 7.5 FX 2009

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2009
Brand: Trek
Model: 7.5 FX
Size:17 or 18 inch
Stolen in Portland, OR 97212
Stolen From: The bike was stolen Sunday November 24, 2013 between approximately 6:30 pm and 9:30 pm from a bike rack in front of the Aliviar Coffee Shop at 4128 NE Sandy Blvd. In front of the Hollywood Theater.
Neighborhood: Hollwod
Owner: Joel Cooper
OwnerEmail: cooperjoela(replace with at sign)
Description: The bike was in good shape and just tuned up. It had a black burn rack on the back and a black Saddle canvas panniers. There is a water bottle holder on the 45 tube part (not the seat tube) of the frame. There is black fenders on the front and back and the rubber ends had both broken off each fender. There is a bell on the left side of the straight handle bars. The left side of the handle bars also had a bike computer holder with cable going down to the front wheel. A cat eye light holder was on the right side. The seat is black and grey and had some chew marks from a squirrel.
Police record with: Portland Police
Police reference#: 13-99108
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

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