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Green/Silver Magna Triax PK7 Mountain Bike

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Brand: Magna Triax
Model: PK7 Mountain Bike
Stolen in Portland, OR 97201
Stolen From: Under the King Albert Apartments on the PSU Campus. It was parked on the rails downstairs outside.
Neighborhood: PSU
Owner: Donna Truong
OwnerEmail: tdonna(replace with at sign)
Reward: $20
Description: It looks just like the picture. There is still either a faded or partial barcode on the front bar under the handlebars. There might be a lock still stuck on the same area which I had from a long time ago which I was unable to remove because I lost the key. Unless the thief had snipped that off as well.
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike

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