Brand: Motobecane
Model: Fantom Cross Uno
Serial: IAS8081099
Stolen in Portland, OR 97211
Stolen From: Stolen out of backyard
Neighborhood: Woodlawn neighborhood
Owner: Nicholas Parkes-Perret
OwnerEmail: parkeeet( atsign )
Description: Color black Motobecane Fantom Cross Uno, size 52 or 54, with serial number IAS8081099. It had grey Oury handlebar grips, somewhat nobby black Michelin TransWorld Sprint tires with reflective side walls, with a silver Mavic CXP14 front wheel and a black SunRims CR18 rear wheel. Stem and seatpost were Thompson Elite. The pedals had toe cages.
Police record with: Portland PB
Police reference#: 13-156003
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Black Motobecane Fantom Cross Uno