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black pake 2008

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2008
Brand: pake
Stolen in Portland, OR 97203
Stolen From: bike and trailer were stolen from in front of New Seasons on Interstate.
Neighborhood: Interstate-North/Northeast
Owner: jenn fantasia
OwnerEmail: linus.charlieb(AT)
Reward: yes
Description: tan seat, tan handle grips, black womens step through frame. Had a silver wire basket on the handle bars and when stolen had a homemade trailer attached-trailer: made from rainbow colored kids bike frames with a blueish colored plastic storage container bolted to the frame. Hard to miss. It is highly likely it was stolen just for the trailer and the bike is/was ditched somewhere.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 13 79320
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

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