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$8,000 and counting: Gateway Green off to quick crowdfunding start

Less than a day has passed since the ‘Build Gateway Green’ crowdfunding campaign began — and it’s already raised well over $8,000 in donations from over 60 people. The goal is $100,000 and conventional wisdom dictates that if someone raises 30% of the total in the first week, they are likely to make it all the way.

As we shared yesterday, this public crowdfunding campaign for a state-run project is a first for Oregon (the state is managing the fundraising campaign, but the park will be managed and run by the City of Portland). Governor Kitzhaber’s Oregon Solutions team is betting that a new park full of bike trails and other amenities in green-space-starved east Portland will spur enough grassroots donations that institutional funding sources will realize the project is worth investing in.

The goal of the campaign is to fund the final phase of design work that will turn the site’s master plan into detailed schematic drawings needed to get permits and construction financing.

Along with the unveiling of their Indiegogo campaign page, Friends of Gateway Green (the folks behind the Build Gateway Green campaign) have released new visualizations of what the bike trails will look like once the 38 acre parcel is fully developed…

And of course there are perks for funders, including this cool new t-shirt…

Go check out the campaign site and consider putting some money into this very worthy cause.

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