Year: mid/late 1980s
Brand: Univega
Model: old touring model?
Color:Dark red
Size:54 cm (?)
Serial: 40608259
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: Stolen from the sidewalk in front of BIKEASAURUS (while spending 5 minutes taking merchandise inside). On SE Hawthorne between 17th and 18th.
Neighborhood: Buckman
Owner: Paul Glahn
OwnerEmail: paulglahn(replace with at sign)
Reward: ice cold PBR
Description: The frame was bought used/bare. I assembled it from mostly used components; and it’s obvious an amateur put it together. The 26″ wheels are fairly new (but not that nice either). Cantilever brakes, drop bars, 5 speed (no front derailleur)
Police record with: Portland Police
Police reference#: T13006931
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Dark red Univega old touring model? mid/late 1980s