Year: 2001
Brand: Trek
Model: X01
Stolen in Portland, OR 97212
Stolen From: Stolen from 537 Ash St. #401 Roundhouse Agency lobby
building corner of 6th and Ash
Neighborhood: SE
Owner: Sef McCullough
OwnerEmail: sef(replace with at sign)
Reward: $100
Description: Gold Trek X01 Cyclocross Aluminum frame – same model as shown in pic link, different components
White bar tape (no end plugs), white fizik saddle
mount for computer, bike light
rear rack, rear fender
bontrager wheel set
tires one long stem, one short
carbon stem
clipless pedals
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 13-153737-0
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike
Gold Trek X01 2001