Year: 70s/80s
Brand: Centurion but unlabeled
Size:60 cm
Stolen in Portland, OR 97202
Stolen From: 3005 SE 25th Ave
Neighborhood: Brooklyn
Owner: Michael Tousignant
OwnerEmail: Michael.tousignant( atsign )
Reward: $50
Description: Red Centurion road bike, converted to single speed. 2 stickers on lower frame: 1. “If we’re not supposed to eat humans, then why are they made of meat?” (White) 2. Up Cycle bike shop (yellow). Black rear rack and double sided pedals (one side SPD). Panniers and front racks are not with bike. USB front light and mounted rear light.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 13-153372
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike