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Small 26′ whells Cannondale Bad Boy 2004

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2004
Brand: Cannondale
Model: Bad Boy
Color:Small 26′ whells
Size:Black w/gargoyles on stem
Stolen in Portland, OR 97206
Stolen From: Stolen from garage at SE 66th between Center and Rhone Streets.
Neighborhood: Foster Powell
Owner: Kath Kelly
OwnerEmail: kms1123(replace with at sign)
Reward: Yes
Description: Black Cannondale bad boy w/gargoyles painted on stem and tube. 26′ whells with fenders. Had front and back LED lights;
Police record with: Portland Police
Police reference#: 13-32139
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

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