Year: 2008
Brand: Trek
Model: 1.2T women’s 21 speed road bike
Color:aqua/ white
Serial: WTU0050138C
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: stolen on Pine and 26th right behind Central Catholic High School.
Neighborhood: Buckman/ Laurelhurst
Owner: Ralyn Miller
OwnerEmail: ralyn.miller(A T)
Description: White saddle and handlebar tape. Black rack on back. Black fenders with Go By Bike, reflective orange cat, & a couple other stickers. Rainbow lightning bolt, Pedalpalooza, pin up, World Naked Bike Ride stickers on the bike body. SPD pedals. And she was really sweet… answers to the name Louise.
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
aqua/ white Trek 1.2T women’s 21 speed road bike 2008