Year: 2009
Brand: Trek
Model: Portland
Serial: WTU 248 SZ 0290 D
Stolen in Portland, OR 97227
Stolen From: 2124 N Flint Ave (just north of Tillamook)
Neighborhood: Eliot
Owner: Graham Mackenzie
OwnerEmail: graham.arthur.mackenzie(A T)
Reward: a hug and a chaste kiss
Description: Brown Trek Portland. Biggest one they make. Full black fenders. Black back rack. Black handlebar tape. Shimano hybrid pedals (SPD/Flat.) Orange Kryptonite U-lock might still be attached. 917 922 0481
Police record with: Portland PD Officer Hill #36236
Police reference#: 13-30696
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
brown Trek Portland 2009