Year: 2009
Brand: Trek
Model: 520
Serial: WTU152MW024E
Stolen in Portland, OR 97212
Stolen From: Grant High School -locked behind the band room.
Stolen during Grant/Jefferson football game-I was playing in the pep band by the field.
Neighborhood: Grant Park
Owner: Jo Landefeld
OwnerEmail: jo( atsign )
Reward: $100
Description: It had a standard rack with pink duct tape on it. On the top tube there was a checklist with things to check before riding. The bar tape was black fisik tape and the seat was a Specialized “ruby” saddle. All the water bottle attachments had holders attached. The front tire had a little gash in it that looks like it had been slightly sealed through melting heat. the shifter cap on the left shifter can be pulled off with ease. It also has fenders.
Police record with: 12-155516
Police reference#: 12-155516
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
rootbeer(brown) Trek 520 2009