The rain came into play once again last night at the Rose Garden Circuit Race, which held in Portland’s Washington Park. Thus, the streak for wet weather over the past two seasons of the series is still without end. The wet road made for some slippery turns, but this week’s race had more upright bikes at the finish and few if any injuries to riders. This is in contrast to last week’s opening event, which saw its fair share of crashes.
This is the second year of the race, which is sponsored by West End Bikes (1111 SW Stark) and put on by Steven Beardsley and Tony Kic of Giro Events. Their race brings the spring season of road racing right into Portland proper. The 1.6 mile circuit loops around the International Test Rose Garden and Washington Park reservoir for a fast sweeping downhill with a nearly 8 percent uphill climb to the top of each lap. Mr. Beardsley describes this course as being even more challenging than the legendary Mt. Tabor Circuit race held in Mt. Tabor Park. (And Beardsley should know, he’s won his fair share of races at Tabor.)

So far this year, participation numbers are slightly up at the Rose Garden Circuit Race and more people are showing up each week. Last week’s field had a total of 75 racers with the largest majority in the Men’s 4/5 category and several categories of Master’s 4/5 added to that. The time limits on the course range from 20 minutes for Women’s 4/5 to 30 minutes for Men’s 4/5 and Women’s 1/2/3 with Senior Men riding for 50 minutes.
Riding the loop course (check out the route here via RideWithGPS) is like doing repeat sprint intervals both sitting and out of the saddle, a high pedaling cadence, and attempts at recovery. In short, it’s a great workout that gives you a taste of race speed and chances to work on strategy. It has all the ingredients for prepping riders, both new and experienced, for the upcoming race season.

(Photo: Judd Eustice)

(Photo: Judd Eustice)
There are two more weeks left in the series (4/18 and 4/25). You can register at the event for $15. Learn more at GiroEvents.com.