Mark your calendars for April 18th and bring your lunch to City Hall for PBOT’s excellent monthly Brown Bag discussion series. This month’s talk will be, “High Crash Corridors and Neighborhood Solutions.” More details below:
Presented by:
Clay Veka, PBOT High Crash Corridor Program;
MaryLouise Ott, South Tabor Neighborhood Association; and
Paul Leistner, Mt. Tabor Neighborhood AssociationFifty-nine percent of the region’s serious crashes occur on arterial roadways, which carry only 40% of vehicle travel. The Portland High Crash Corridor (HCC) program targets limited safety resources on 10 of Portland’s roadways with exceptional concentrations of crash activity. Roadway characteristics, crash types, and neighborhood needs are unique to each corridor, thus requiring unique solutions.
Join us for a brown-bag lunch presentation on the Division Street High Crash Corridor, with a focus on proposed improvements between SE 60th and 80th avenues– including reconfiguring the roadway from 4-lanes to 3-lanes, and adding bike lanes. Working with the Mount Tabor and South Tabor neighborhood associations, PBOT is responding to the long-standing request from these neighborhoods to improve safety and reduce severe crashes for all road users.
Thursday, April 18th, Noon to 1pm
City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave, 2nd Floor -Lovejoy Room
(bring your lunch!)