Year: 1990~
Brand: Mikado
Model: Vagabond
Stolen in Portland, OR 97236
Stolen From: Value Village SE 82nd and Foster Portland Oregon
Owner: Noa Groveman
OwnerEmail: noagroveman(A T)
Description: green Mikado Vagabond modified to 3 speeds on the crank and one on the back wheel with two friction shifters. It has cute owl stickers all over the bike, Maes drop bars with black cork wrap, clip pedals without straps, black plastic fenders with mudflaps, the front wheel is 27 620cc and the back is 27 700cc. A Ulock is mounted with spare tubes tying the ulock to the frame to prevent vibration. There is a pump with spare patches mounted as well. The rear light has LED and laser lights. The brake pads are orange.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 13-28249
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike
Green Mikado Vagabond 1990~