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Teal Schwinn Woodlands 1990-1992?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 1990-1992?
Brand: Schwinn
Model: Woodlands
Serial: OXO4632
Stolen in Portland, OR 97266
Stolen From: It was stolen around SE 122nd & SE Bush st. Portland OR 97266.
Neighborhood: SE 117th & Bush st
Owner: Helmut Lahr
OwnerEmail: 1.bubba.pie.forever(replace with at sign)
Reward: 15
Description: Teal, rusty and old. Two bike locks hang on the frame, one is a chain that’s rusty and the other was a bell key lock, black. There’s a clicking sound every time you ride it unless you push up the broken gear on the left handle. The seat tends to tilt back when you ride it since it’s loose. It had a grey and black pouch on the frame. You can’t ride it without the gears changing at random.
Police record with: Portland Police Department
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

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