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Red Mountain Trek 830

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Brand: Mountain Trek
Model: 830
Serial: 6Y3M7922
Stolen in Seattle/WA/98119, OR
Stolen From: Bay View Terrace Apartments, 825 W Nickerson ST. Bikewas locked to a support post in the open garage with a cable lock.
Neighborhood: Interbay/Lower Queen Anne/Fremont–by Seattle Pacific University
Owner: Sonja Rosas
OwnerEmail: sonjarosas(replace with at sign)
Description: Red MT Trek 830 with front white light and rear red light (both flashing). EarthCorps sticker on top tube.
Police record with: Seattle PD
Police reference#: 2013-900192
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

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