Year: 1980’s
Brand: Nishiki
Model: Custom Sport
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: from my front porch on 1226 se salmon st. Portland, Oregon
Neighborhood: Buckman
Owner: Adam Shaeffer
OwnerEmail: hyphyhindu7(replace with at sign)
Reward: 50 dollars and some free tubes, maybe some dinner
Description: A 1980’s Nishiski blue custom sport frame. Has a ripped seat. flat handle bars with one brake lever on the left side. A brand new Continential gator skin back tire. Theres two herbivore stickers on the frame by the seat post.
Police record with: Portland Police Bureau
Police reference#: T13002037
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Blue Nishiki Custom Sport 1980’s