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Bill would remove mandatory driving test for people with limited vision

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I figured I’d post interesting bills I come across here on Page Two. If they warrant more attention, I’ll consider a Front Page story.

Senate Bill 288, “Eliminates requirement that person with limited vision condition take driver test every two years.”

The bill was introduced by state Senator Brian Boquist (R-Dallas). Current law calls for people with limited vision to take an actual driving test every two years. According to the law, the test must be “an actual demonstration of the person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle without endangering the safety of persons or property.”

The bill would amend the law to remove the driving test provision and swap it out for a requirement to be examined by a licensed vision specialist every two years and the specialist must certify to the DMV that, “the person meets the vision requirements” as laid out in existing Oregon driving laws.

An aide in Sen. Boquist’s office said he submitted the bill, “for one of his constituents.” The bill is slated for a public hearing and possible work session on Thursday (2/21) in the Senate Business and Transportation Committee. We don’t expect it to get very far, but we’ll keep track of it just in case.

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