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A Sharky sighting

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Oh the stories Sharky’s bike could tell.
(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Having an office downtown is fun because of all the neat people you run into. Recently I’ve started getting coffee from a new place every few days simply as an excuse to roll around with my camera to see what I run into. Last week I noticed Erik Young’s bike locked up so I snapped a few photos. Erik is known around town as Sharky and he’s one of the oldest full-time bike messengers in Portland. He’s also an accomplished track racer, dad to an 11-year old son Velo (I know that because he goes to my daughters’ school), and much more. I hope to do a full profile of Sharky someday; but for now, check out a few photos I was able to snap before he rolled away…

(You might also recall when I shared some photos of Sharky carrying his son in a messenger bag seven years ago!)

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