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Join us for Wonk Night this Thursday!

Wonk Night -6
Come, talk, snack, learn.
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Wonk Night is back and you won’t want to miss it. Join us this Thursday (1/31) in the offices of Lancaster Engineering (adjacent to BikePortland HQ) for a night of networking, beer, snacks, and rousing transportation discussions.

Last month we hosted a spirited conversation with some of Portland’s smartest transportation thinkers. Faces in the crowd included a Metro councilor, high-level PBOT and ODOT staff, citizen activists, planning students, professional transportation engineers, and more. We talked about the NACTO Designing Cities conference, how level of service (LOS) and performance measures impact local street projects, Portland’s perennial paradox of right-hook collisions, and more.

On Thursday night we’ll talk about: highlights and trends from the Transportation Research Board’s annual meeting that wrapped up last week; PBOT’s “golden opportunity” to invest in downtown bike access; and the feasibility and politics around a road diet on SW Barbur Blvd. If there’s time, we’ll entertain other topic ideas.

The format of the evening is informal. While we designate people to lead the discussion, we encourage questions and back-and-forth. I play the moderator and my goal is to keep the conversation productive, make sure everyone’s views are supported, and to hopefully reach some conclusions that move the policy needle forward. The idea is to let your transpo geek flag fly! To get a feel for what to expect, check out our recap and photos from last month.

Here are the details:

See you there!

(And yes, we will have free (and gluten free) Omission Beer for your drinking pleasure.)

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