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Soak up the sun with these weekend ride picks

Wintertime Palm Tree Ride
Gawking at an exotic monkey
puzzle tree during the 2007
Palm Tree Ride.
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

I know it’s still frigid out there, but at least the sun is out. This weekend is expected to stay clear and sunny and there’s nothing like a brisk bike ride with friends to take the edge of your winter doldrums. Check out our three two weekend ride picks below for some ideas and inspiration…

Local shop Western Bikeworks kicks off their 2013 monthly ride series with an easy and flat 25-miler. The ride will leave from the shop NW 17th and Lovejoy) at 9:00 am led by none other than Maria Schur (trust us, she’s great). Everyone that shows up will get a $5 gift card and Maria tells us each month’s ride will build in distance and difficulty toward an overall goal to be “century-ready” by early summer. “It’ll be good for newbies or anyone wanting to shake their winter cobwebs off!” — Sorry folks… This ride is next Saturday the 26th.

Also on Saturday is the annual Palm Tree Ride led by local artist and urban adventurer Shawn Granton. I’ve done this ride several times in the past and it’s really fun. Shawn will leave from Velo Cult (1969 NE 42nd) at 11:00 am and will lead you on a, “leisurely tour of the multitude of palm trees and other tropical, evergreen, and just plain exotic vegetation growing in the city.” Shawn says the route is about seven miles of mostly flat terrain in north and northeast neighborhoods and he’ll make plenty of stops along the way for hot refreshments. In case you’re worried about getting chilly, Shawn has just finished up an illustration of clothing tips for winter social rides…

Illustration: Shawn Granton

Our final pick takes us south to Milwaukie and the Springwater Trail. On Monday the 21st (which is also the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday) the Johnson Creek Watershed Council will lead a group ride from their headquarters and down the Springwater Trail to a restoration event at Mill Park. Plan to leave the back parking lot of 1900 SE Milport Rd in Milwaukie at 8:30 am and ride to the park (at SE Linwood Ave and Johnson Crk Blvd). Watershed Council volunteer Brian Art says once at the park they’ll remove grass and weeds while planting sedges. “This is an easy ride that’s great for kids,” he says. If you’re interested, contact Amy Lodholz via email at

Stay warm and have fun. If you’ve got a ride to promote, share it in the comments and/or I’ll update this post with your info.

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