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City to host joint meeting of biking, walking advisory committees

This month’s regularly scheduled City of Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting will be a join meeting with the City’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee. It’s this coming Tuesday 12/11 at the Lovejoy Room in City Hall from 6 to 8pm. Check out the agenda below and consider attending..

Letter of Support for TE-OBPAC Grant Applications
Staff will seek PAC and BAC endorsement for a letter of support for the two grant applications to be submitted by PBOT on December 12, 2012 for SW Barbur Blvd Demonstration Project (19th Ave – 26th Way) and the N Williams Traffic Safety and Operations Project (N Broadway – N Killingsworth).

PBOT Budget Report
BAC/PAC members (and Friend’s of BAC/PAC) who attended the third and final Budget Advisory Committee meeting will report to the joint committees the results of that meeting and their reflections.

Committee Discussion: Areas of Mutual Interest/Areas of Divergent Interests Committee members will participate in a discussion led by both committee’s Chairs and Vice-Chairs to identify how the two committees can work together on areas of mutual interest and how to cooperate when interests diverge.

MTIP – Regional Flexible Funds
Building on the previous discussions, staff will lead an introductory discussion about the upcoming deadline for Regional Flexible Fund applications, which will be due in March.

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