Brand: Specialized
Model: H.R. Sport
Serial: P6LF26433
Stolen in Portland, OR 97202
Stolen From: From front porch on SE Tibbetts St. between 22nd and 23rd. They cut the wooden railing it was attached to with a saw.
Neighborhood: Hosford-Abernathy
Owner: Don Crossley
OwnerEmail: don(replace with at sign)
Description: All Black Mountain Bike, Apex fenders on front and back, 26″ hybrid tires has a small Gold Clackamas Cycle World sticker on frame right near main gears. Thumb shifters,side mounted U-lock, front and rear bike light mountings, no lights.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 12105285
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Black Specialized H.R. Sport