Year: 2011
Brand: Bike Friday
Model: Season Tikit
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: Bike rack outside of Buckman Pool entrance. 320 SE 16th AvePortland, OR
Neighborhood: Buckman
Owner: Chris Whitley
OwnerEmail: chris(replace with at sign)
Reward: $200 reward
Description: Folding bike, 16" wheels, built to fit 6’5" man, this is a unique & weird looking bike. brass plate: "custom built for Chris". Shimano 8 speed internal hub, Jtek bar end shifter, drop handlebars, folding rear rack
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 12-157584
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Black Bike Friday Season Tikit 2011