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black Puegot

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Brand: Puegot
Size:green spray paint
Stolen in Portland, OR 97214
Stolen From: 23rd SE Salmon from garage at night.
There are various folks who drive around in trucks and look for and take scrap metal and yard supplies. They often have bikes as well. They take stuff marked ‘free’ but also look for easy access to garages. I’ve seen them park, get out and walk around, looking at homes/yards/garages, then drive further and park and do the same. I guess they return at night.
Neighborhood: Sunnyside
OwnerEmail: patrickgaughen(AT)
Description: Old puegot in fairly bad shape. Original black paint with white speckles but I spray painted green on it randomly. When ridden the torn metal around the seat tube creaks loudly. There is also a U lock attached and white and red tape wrapped around it in various places.
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike

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