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Join us for Wonk Night on December 5th: NACTO, NYC, LOS, and more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Get Together in Multnomah Village-6
Let’s talk about bikes!

If that headline made any sense to you at all, you should join us next week for Wonk Night. On Wednesday, December 5th, BikePortland (that’s me) and Lancaster Engineering (the nice, smart folks I sublease my office from) are hosting an event where we’ll discuss lots of fun and interesting topics.

The night’s agenda will include:

Todd even made a poster!

Wonk nights are very informal. We just talk about bike policies, infrastructure, and other stuff. It’s also a great place to meet people in the engineering/planning/wonk-related fields. We’ll supply some drinks and snacks and the venue is the lobby of the Lancaster Engineering headquarters at 321 SW 4th Avenue. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there.

UPDATE: Just confirmed that the best gluten free beer in the world, Omission (by Widmer), will be the official sponsor. Join us for a few free cold ones!

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