Year: 1992
Brand: Novara
Model: X-R
Color:light blue
Stolen in Portland, OR 97213
Stolen From: Inside the entrance to Hollywood District Whole Foods Market at 4301 N.E. Sandy Blvd at 9:15 PM Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012.
Neighborhood: Hollywood District
Owner: Steve Colburn
Reward: Yes for info or return. No questions asked.
Description: Light blue Novara X-R male hybrid bike with black fenders, white wall tires, rear Trek rack, and straight black handlebars with Ritchey labelled in large white letters. Has light blue headlight, red tail light under the seat, & silver kick stand. Bike is in excellent condition, was recently serviced by Velo Cult, and looks and rides almost like new.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 12-83610
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
light blue Novara X-R 1992