It looks like yet another amazing weekend to be a bike lover in (and around) Portland. So much stuff going on!
Here’s a quick roundup (and feel free to plug your ride/event in the comments)…
Two big events are happening to the south and the north of Portland. The Cycle Oregon Weekend Ride, with its “Heart of the Valley” theme, is taking over the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis and the venerable Seattle to Portland Classic (STP) starts tomorrow.
Closer to home, the big Alpenrose Velodrome Challenge kicks off today and runs through the weekend. The AVC, in its 14th year, is Portland’s biggest track event and there will be major talent on display. See Olympic hopefuls, former World Cup competitors, and the fastest local stars duke it out on the famous (and newly renovated) 43-degree, banked turns for bragging rights and $13,000 in prize money.
If going fast and riding in huge groups isn’t your cup of tea, local non-profit Cycle Wild is leading an overnight trip to Champoeg State Park for some stellar camping and wine tasting. The ride leaves tomorrow (Saturday) morning from the Hillsboro MAX station.
If you’re looking to put some miles in your legs and give randonneuring a try; look no further than the 300K Olney-Gothic Logger Randonee. Put on by the folks at Oregon Randonneurs, the ride leaves bright and early tomorrow morning from Cathedral Park in St. Johns (registration is $15).
For some free urban fun, how about being one of the first people to ride on the new Gibbs Bridge over I-5. The bridge, which is only open to people on foot and on bikes, is set to open tomorrow. There’s a guided ride that leaves from the base of the Aerial Tram, explores the bridge and the Lair Hill neighborhood it connects to, tours the new cycle track on SW Moody, and more. There are also free Tram rides all day so you could do shuttle runs down from OHSU to your heart’s content.
This afternoon, the PDX Bike Swam will be supporting the monthly Occupy Portland bank action with a ride around a Wells Fargo branch in the Pearl District.
Check out the Shift calendar for a few more ideas.
Remember, even if you don’t want to join these official rides, follow the links, check out the routes they use, and create your own adventure!
And feel free to share other ideas and ride plans in the comments.