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Bikes back up during Broadway Bridge lift

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
The scene this morning.
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(Photo: Gabe Graff)

Thanks to a few warm, sunny, and (quite frankly) amazing days of weather recently, Portland’s cycling spring has sprung. Yes, a chill has returned and even some crazy hail happened earlier this week; but the bikeways are still full of people. One neat thing about riding bikes in Portland is that, if you’re like most people who live east of downtown, you get to ride over any one of our beautiful bridges to get into work in the morning. Usually this is a highlight of the commute and usually it goes smoothly. But sometimes lifts happen. And when they do, it’s neat to see the huge line of bike traffic that backs up.

Here in America we’re used to seeing car back-ups; but seeing bike back-ups is something relatively new. Check out the photos of a back-up that occurred on the Broadway Bridge this morning (thanks to Nathan Farney and Gabe Graff for the images!):

This is only about half of the back-up!

Happy spring!

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