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The Year in Pictures 2011

Participants in the World Naked Bike Ride eagerly await the start of the ride.
(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Yes I realize it’s February, but I thought some of you still might appreciate a look back at some of the memorable images of 2011. So, without further ado…

Amos Hunter, a volunteer with Active Right of Way, made a presentation to PBOT and Portland Streetcar Inc. staff on January 5th about a list of bike safety concerns with the new Eastside Streetcar Loop. Both PBOT and PSI have been slow to respond to these concerns and many issues remain…

This sign on N. Rosa Parks Way near Willamette Blvd underscored the sometimes dangerous rhetoric that rules our streets…

Local trick rider Blake Hicks had a huge 2011. Here he is at the annual Flatland Jam that was held in Northeast Portland…

We saw lots of growth in the local bike economy in 2011, much of it in the form of new bike shops. Here’s Mark Ontiveros (L) and Mike Francis standing outside West End Bikes, the new shop they opened on SW 11th and Stark about one year ago…

PBOT got a new director in 2011. Here’s Tom Miller during his first public address in that role at the Transportation Safety Summit

Once again, we had relatively pleasant weather for the Worst Day of the Year ride…

A full moon made for a magical ride home through Waterfront Park on February 17th…

Friends of Bret Lewis, who was killed while bicycling in Beaverton last February, are overcome with emotion during a visit to the scene of the tragedy…

Embattled gladiators Zane and Twitch show some wear and tear during the annual Mini Bike Winter Chariot Wars

Congressman John Mica (R-FL) came to Vancouver for a “listening session” to garner feedback for a rewrite of the federal surface transportation bill (that’s House Rep. Peter DeFazio in the background). Little did we know Mica would unveil a bill advocates say eliminates bike funding as we know it…

Two Portland-based bike industry legends — Chris King and Sacha White — shared a laugh at the 2011 North American Handmade Bicycle Show held in Austin, Texas…

Portlanders pulled out their vintage style on the Tweed Ride

The cherry trees on the Waterfront are always a treat. Here’s how they looked on April 7th…

BTA Executive Director Rob Sadowsky raised a glass at their annual fundraising dinner, the Alice Awards

The Spalding Building in downtown Portland unveiled what is likely the most secure bike parking in America — housed inside a former bank vault…

PBOT installed a cycle track on NE Cully Blvd in East Portland…

Residents of the Woodlawn neighborhood came together to create Portland’s largest intersection painting (which also happens to be on the NE Holman bike boulevard)…

I had the pleasure of being hired to photograph the Pioneer Century, which took riders through idyllic farming roads in Clackamas County…

With Big Pink looming in the background, racers at the Cirque du Cycling criterium back in June round the corner and head up N. Mississippi Ave…

With Portland’s biking summer in full swing, we celebrated yet another hugely successful World Naked Bike Ride…

Another summer favorite is the “Splash Dance” ride which took place during the annual Pedalpalooza events…

Sunset over the Broadway Bridge on second day of summer…

Kids riding in the street without a care in the world (while wearing dresses and with balloons on their bikes); it must be Sunday Parkways…

Several other families joined mine on a weekend getaway to Stub Stewart State Park

Michelle DePass, a north Portland neighborhood resident and activist, brought up the feelings of racism and gentrification — the “Elephant in the room” — surrounding the North Williams Traffic Operations Safety Project during a meeting in July…

Sellwood Cycle Repair owner Erik Tonkin has reason to smile. His business made a huge leap with a big move in Sellwood

Portland Design Works co-owner Erik Olson donned a chicken suit and took a few laps around their “Circulus” mini-velodrome during an in July…

People flocked to the open streets of Sunday Parkways when it came to downtown…

We highlighted the “track straddling” phenomenon on the Lovejoy ramp…

Portland Mayor Sam Adams declared July 28th Velomobile Day when the ROAM tour used our city as a launch pad for their ride…

Competitors fought through dust and crowds at the Short Track MTB Team Relay event at Portland International Raceway in August…

Tiago DeJerk demonstrates the fire-breathing capability of a freak bike at an event in North Portland…

PBOT worked with business owners to create a carfree SW Ankeny, using a bike corral as a barrier on the east end…

2011 was a huge year for former PBOT bike coordinator and now President of Alta Planning, Mia Birk. She not only barnstormed for her new book, JoyRide, she also inked a contract to build the country’s largest bike sharing system in New York City

Bike racing legend Greg LeMond stopped by West End Bikes in September…

Crowds squeezed into the Pacific Northwest College of Art for a glimpse at the Oregon Manifest Design Challenge entries

And the winner was Portland’s very own Tony Pereira, shown here riding on Skyline Blvd during the field test competition…

This is Portland! A bit of rain could not dampen spirits at Sunday Parkways Northeast…

Julie and Kelly Bosworth hosted a bike ride last October to raise awareness of their missing husband and father, Mark Bosworth…

The cyclocross season started with huge crowds at Alpenrose Dairy…

We met Dezy Walls, the “Pianobike Kid” and his pedal-powered instrument…

‘Cross racers went all out at the annual Halloween race which was held in Bend this year…

PBOT unveiled their latest cycle track on SW Moody in November…

We crowded into the Skyline Grange hall to discuss rural road safety issues

Bikes played a big role in the Occupy Portland protests. This photos shows the bike swarm in action during the big eviction night on November 13th…

We learned that when police show up on bikes instead of riot gear, wonderful things can happen

Mayor Sam Adams listened intently during the N. Williams project community forum on November 29th…

The proliferation of cargo bike-based businesses continued in 2011. Here’s Joel from Spoketown Cargo on his first few days in business…

Despite some wrangling with local truckers and freight-dependent businesses, PBOT gave people on bikes a lane of their own on the NE 12th Ave overcrossing…

Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen had reason to smile at the ground breaking celebration for the Sellwood Bridge project…

Ashawntae Rosemon appeared in court to face the consequences of his drunk driving that killed Dustin Finney back in August…

I headed south at the end of the year and joined family and friends for an exhilarating ride across the Golden Gate bridge…

Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. I promise it won’t be so late next year!

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