Year: 2004
Brand: Raleigh
Model: M40 or M50
Color:Red and black
Size:Women’s small
Stolen in Fairview, OR 97024
Stolen From: The Lodges at Lake Salish apartment complex
Neighborhood: Fairview
Owner: Amanda Garrett
Reward: I will cook you something
Description: Red & black Raleigh M40 or M50 women’s mountain bike. 21-speed with twistable gear switch on handles. There is a rear view mirror attached to the left handle. A Thurston County Bicycle Commuter Contest sticker is on the frame. There is a mount for a light on the handlebars (I still have the light itself). The seat was loose when it was stolen.
Police record with: Fairview Police Department
Police reference#: 11-490960
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike
Red and black Raleigh M40 or M50 2004